
Acupressure an alternative treatment for my low back pain

Acupressure an alternative treatment for my low back pain,Hogan scarpe donna in pelle 525 nera

Classical and traditional Chinese Medicine is characterized by a range of practices originating in eastern Asia. It is well accepted in China and numerous parts of the world,Tods donne Gommino scarpe viola, but considered an alternative medicine elsewhere. Elements include herbs, dietary recommendation, exercise prescription, manual therapies, acupuncture and others.

While western medicine is founded upon concepts relating anatomical function and physiology, Chinese medicine focuses upon at least five major foundational elements integrating the human body with life energy, nature, the universe, and an ethereal power. Chinese medicine is thousands of years old.

One element of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, involves inserting and manipulating fine needles in specific sites on the body to address medical disorders, including pain. Acupuncture points, the foci of stimulation, are located along body meridians through which conceptual life energy flows. Contemporary acupuncture texts present meridians as theoretical targets. While we lack physiological evidence of their existence,Hogan scarpe donna nuovo arrivo 2012 riso giallo, consider that the only evidence of gravity is the equations and physical actions that work in predictable manners. Similarly,HOGAN DONNA ABBRONZATURA REBEL SNEAKER, people respond to acupuncture application along meridians in predictable ways. Additionally, acupuncture does not cause undesired side effects like many regularly prescribed western medications.

The earliest recognized written record of acupuncture is from the second century BC. Different variations of acupuncture are practiced throughout the world. Acupuncture has been difficult to study by western medical researchers due to the invasive nature of the practice (having to place needles). Scholarly reviews are often biased by origin of the researchers. However,HOGAN VALENCIA ARGENTO ORO DONNA, there is general agreement that acupuncture is safe when administered by well-trained practitioners using sterile needles, and further research is ongoing. Alternative treatment approaches are available to the untrained and general public via electroacupuncture and acupressure. These are applied at the same points, along the same meridians, without the risks related to needle use by the novice, in case I wish to cure my own low back pain.

One extraordinary source of information on acupuncture is A Manual of Acupuncture, published by the Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications. Following research of many years, Peter Deadman, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Chinese Medicine, and colleagues created the primary reference for the study and practical application of acupuncture points and meridians. With subtle use of color to illustrate the acupuncture points and anatomical features in approximately five-hundred illustrations, it is a very comprehensive, attractive and user-friendly tool for the novice and professional. The index identifies every part of the body reached by each meridian, and there are separate indexes to direct readers to address health issues via Chinese medicine categorization and western medicine symptom approaches.

Learn to perform self-directed acupressure with these reference materials. Contact us.


